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One-Punch Man

Saitama (Japanese: サイタマ) is a fictional character who is the titular protagonist of the Japanese manga and anime series One-Punch Man created by One. Saitama, an unassociated and independently acting superhero who dreams of becoming famous, hails from Z-City and performs heroic deeds as a hobby. For three years straight, Saitama had trained enough to become the strongest being and can defeat any enemy with a single punch.


Saitama (Japanese: サイタマ) is a fictional character who is the titular protagonist of the Japanese manga and anime series One-Punch Man created by One. Saitama, an unassociated and independently acting superhero who dreams of becoming famous, hails from Z-City and performs heroic deeds as a hobby. For three years straight, Saitama had trained enough to become the strongest being and can defeat any enemy with a single punch.