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Umaru Doma

Himoto! Umaru-chan

Umaru Doma is the main protagonist of the Himouto! Umaru-chan series. The word "himouto" means "dried-fish little sister". It is a combination of "himono-onna", meaning "dried-fish woman" who's proper in public but lazy at home; and imouto, "little sister", but "himouto" can also mean "worthless lazy-bum sister".


Umaru Doma is the main protagonist of the Himouto! Umaru-chan series. The word "himouto" means "dried-fish little sister". It is a combination of "himono-onna", meaning "dried-fish woman" who's proper in public but lazy at home; and imouto, "little sister", but "himouto" can also mean "worthless lazy-bum sister".